Finding Mrs. Right Read online

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  "Hopefully better. I have yet to speak to the doctor, but I'll talk to him in the morning. So how is everything here?" Natalie placed her purse and coat on the rack behind the counter and went through the mail waiting for her. Deann leaned her side against the counter and faced her friend. A slender woman of five six, soft beige complexion, with a pair of light brown eyes that were endearing and gentle. Her round face was framed in a chin-length black bob that made her look more in her twenties than late thirties. Natalie glanced her way as she sifted through the mail.

  "Busy, but what's new. In light of the events, Nat, I think you should hire the seamstresses. Once Grammy Lyn is out of the hospital, you know you are going to be all over her until she tells you to get out of her face." Deann grinned. Natalie chuckled at the truth.

  "I know...alright, but it's so hard to find good help these days." she complained, although playfully.

  "You know, I will be more than happy to enlist some of my people." Deann waved her hand and settled it on her chest with a sincere look. Natalie snorted.

  "Your people?" Natalie raised an eyebrow. "Deann, your people, includes Peaches who can't even stitch a straight line, much less know where the thread goes...on top of that, Marty who I swear is a bit "touched" which isn't even the right word. The girl needs some help and not from a psychiatrist. And don't get me started on Rhonda..."

  "Oh, my goodness..." Deann said through a fit of laughter. She was bent down holding her stomach as a chuckle came from Natalie before she broke out in similar laughter. "I don't even want my people, since you broke it down like that." Deann continued. "You have no sense atall."

  "Go on and get out of here. I got this." Deann nodded, still snickering as she gathered her things. Giving Natalie a hug, she left the store.

  Later that evening, Natalie sat at her desk in a room in the back of the store going over the daily receipts and end of the month planning. It was tedious, but for some reason she loved this part of the business as well as the actual making of her products. Her telephone rang as she finished up.

  "Ms. Hawthorne? This is Dr. Grayden. The nurse told me you visited your grandmother today. I just wanted to give you a report on her care."

  "Thank you. I was going to try and catch you in the morning."

  "That's perfect then. I've ordered a few more tests, they should be back in the morning. I'm usually doing rounds starting at seven thirty, so if you can be there, I'd really like to talk to you." Natalie could feel the dread course through her veins as she listened to the monotone of the doctor's voice. Although he tried to keep it neutral, she knew that only bad news could follow.

  "I'll be there." she whispered. She hung up with a quick good night and sat back in the chair.

  Natalie felt the tears well up in her eyes as she remembered the day she began living with her grandmother permanently. Her life had changed forever during those teenage years. A mother who was an addict, a father she did not know, and a rebelliousness that she had possessed during those first few months were literally loved out of her.

  Natalie had wished she'd been around earlier and grew to love the elderly woman quickly. Grandma Lyn, as everyone that knew the woman called her, instilled values she was sure she'd done with Natalie's mother, Paula. Natalie had helped at the quilt shop and Grandma Lyn had given her a paycheck. Natalie had saved, only buying books to read if they weren't at the library as her only luxury purchases. Grandma Lyn was more than just a grandmother to her. She was everything.


  The hospital floor had an oppressive feeling once you stepped off of the elevator. Natalie felt like she was walking into a endless tunnel to something she would not like. She turned into the room where her grandmother lay still as if she hadn't moved since yesterday. The room was like most hospital rooms, besides the machines that took up the silence, it was white with little to no decoration. A bouquet of flowers sat on the stand that she'd placed the previous day. A few Get Well cards from Grandma Lyn's friends at the nursing home.

  Natalie placed her jacket and purse on the back of the empty chair and sat down. Taking a withered brown hand into hers gently, she stared at the deep mahogany color. The wide nose covered by an oxygen mask, full heart shaped lips, and thin eyebrows. Her grandmother had been the picture of youth even at eighty-three, but now her glowing skin was a pasty color and Natalie could feel that it would not be glowing anytime soon.

  "Ms. Hawthorne?" Natalie looked up and stood slowly as the doctor came in. He checked over Grandma Lyn's chart carefully before pulling up a chair. "Sorry I had you wait so long."

  "No, didn't. I just got here myself." Natalie explained. "Please, Dr. Grayden, please tell me my Grandmother is going to pull through this?" Dr. Grayden's softly colored eyes looked solemnly into Natalie's.

  "I'm sorry, Ms. Hawthorne. Your grandmother isn't as well as I'd like her to be. As we get older it's harder for us to bounce back like we used to. I've done all the testing I was able to, but they aren't coming back positive. She is suffering from Congestive Heart Failure. Basically, it is effecting her sleep and ability to breath, hence why she is sedated and the oxygen. Eventually, she will have a difficult time getting oxygen to her body and breathing period. I've placed her on the medications to help, but it is not guaranteed."

  "What about surgery?" Natalie asked. Dr. Grayden took a deep breathe and a thoughtful look passed his face.

  "The only course of action surgery wise is a full heart transplant. Right now, the medications to help get her back to being able to live a life of quality is all that we are able to do. In the meantime, I will keep her here until her next Echo cardiogram comes back with an improvement."

  "Alright, Dr. Grayden. Thanks for being honest." Dr. Grayden stood up at that moment to finish his rounds.

  "Your welcome. Don't worry, Ms. Hawthorne. I'll do what I can, the rest is up to your Grandmother." He gave her an encouraging smile and left Natalie to spend the next half hour wondering what she was going to do without her Grandmother. Eventually she left her Grandmother's room to get some coffee from the cafeteria when she was unable to find an answer.

  Entering the elevator, Natalie pressed the button to the lobby when a large tanned hand caught the door just before it closed . Natalie looked up into the deepest dark eyes she'd ever seen, blue-black hair that was tapered on the the sides and cut low on the top making a bed of thick waves. He had a face that one would call beautiful, but wouldn't dare say it out loud to him. His thick eyebrows, long eyelashes, and smooth honeyed skin made him even more attractive. He towered over her five-five frame and Natalie could only imagine what lay underneath the dark gray suit.

  "Excuse me." his deep voice brought Natalie out of her appraisal, causing a wave of heat to pass over her skin in embarrassment. She'd basically ogled him for a full minute with her mouth wide open. She was surprised she didn't have drool on her chin. Clearing her throat, she stepped quickly in the corner of the elevator, unable to breathe for fear the smell alone of this man would make her emit a groan. Swallowing the built up saliva, Natalie said a quick apology and pretended to look for something in her purse. Thankfully the elevator came to the Lobby quickly and she waited for him to leave out first, but was surprised when he looked at her expectantly.


  "Ladies first?" he gave her a grin that made her heart stop in her chest. For a minute she thought she was having an heart attack too. The cleft in his chin spread and long smile lines appeared in the corner of his mouth. He was breathtakingly handsome and Natalie didn't think he cared.

  "Um...oh...thanks?" she whispered and found herself scared to walk past the man. What was wrong with her? She had shared quips with Deann not even twelve hours ago, yet this man was setting her senses on end rendering her speechless. Deann would have a field day with her. Natalie resisted the urge to look back, but it was hard, very hard.

  She hurried to the cafeteria and picked up a bagel, fruit cup, and coffee. As she waited her turn in line, she could hear th
e same deep baritone voice that spoke earlier. She looked behind her to see the same man from the elevator. Was he following her? No, she wasn't that special. She probably didn't even register on his radar. She listened with half an ear as he spoke on the phone with someone named Marcie. It sounded like a business call. She edged up to the counter and paid for her food, still ignoring the man with more effort than she thought she possessed, Natalie sat down at an empty table only to come face to face with his. He'd sat at another table still talking to whomever and sipping his coffee. His face wrinkled and she couldn't help the giggle that bubbled up in her throat. It quickly stopped when he looked at her. Natalie blushed and found the fruit in her cup interesting all of a sudden.


  Romero stared at her waiting for some type of acknowledgment as Marcie continued to talk to him. He had stopped listening awhile ago when he'd heard her giggle at his yuck face after tasting the horrible liquid they'd passed for coffee. He didn't miss the look when he'd seen her in the elevator. It was an occurrence that happened with women daily. Except Romero felt flattered by hers. It wasn't a blatant look that he usually came across. The "I just want one night with you." ones were primal and were purely sexual. This one was something he couldn't really put his finger on and that made him look twice. He was in the business of reading people, and he could see the attraction, yet the distance at the same time.

  Romero turned his attention back to Marcie, yet allowed himself to steal a glance every now and then at the woman sitting across from him. Petite, medium-brown skin, gentle brown eyes set on a heart-shaped face. Her relaxed hair was brushed back in a pony tail giving him a perfect view of every feature on the smooth skin. Romero felt something stir deep within himself and felt it was time to leave. He didn't have time for women at this moment. Pretty as she was, that was all she would be. Just another pretty face for him to admire from afar.


  Romero sat beside his mother as Dr. Grayden went through the treatment and medications with them both. Even though Rosa's heart attack was mild, her high blood pressure could create a more serious one later. Being a woman of color and over sixty, she needed to take extra care of her health more. Romero listened intently, asking questions that Dr. Grayden was surprised, but happy to answer.

  "Mr. Jones, we have the latest technology and treatments at our disposal here at St. Mary's Hospital. The Cardiology Center is well known nationally, so please believe that Mrs. Cruz will get the best possible care that we can provide. The rest will be up to her." he eyed the woman seriously and Rosa twisted her small mouth. "Well, I'll keep her for a few more days and see how all the tests come back and make sure the medications are doing what they are supposed to. We'll schedule you Mrs. Cruz for a stress test before you leave. Mr. Jones...Mrs. Cruz." he shook Romero's hand when they both stood and nodded toward Rosa. Romero sat down and looked at his mother with a bit of relief, yet he knew they weren't out of the woods.

  "I guess that is good news, right, Mami." he sat back in the chair and began rolling up his sleeves on his dress shirt.

  "No, nino. It isn't good news!" she slapped the side of the bed. Romero looked at her and waited. "I read the journals that you left in the suitcase. One of the last letters that Avery had sent me..." she trailed off.

  "Mami?" Romero touched her hand and squeezed it. "I'm sorry for being so bratty last night." Rosa laughed. "I know it wasn't your fault. I just felt left out."

  "I know, it is my fault. I was selfish, Rome. To selfish to realize that I cannot have you all to myself like I did Avery. I hold on so tightly, I do not think about what you will do when I am no longer here."

  "Mami!? Don't say that. You know you will be here." he gave her an encouraging smile, yet truthfully, Romero didn't want to think about it either. Living without his mother was not an option. Especially so soon. Rosa patted his hand affectionately.

  "I have allowed you to do what ever you want, Rome. I have let you place me on a pedestal and let your life pass you by."

  "No you haven't. What are you saying? I do what I want to, Mami. I love taking care of you and you take care of me also. Be quiet." he waved a hand at her and was ready to get up and leave for work. "I have to get to the office."

  "Alright, nino. I want you to make a promise to me, Romero." she began as Romero finished putting his suit jacket on. He looked at her and nodded. "I want you to find a good woman and be married."

  "Mami, I will. Do not worry, it will be a long time before that happens." He gave her a kiss on her cheek and walked out the room, cellular in hand for when he made it out the building.

  "Aye! Dios Mio...Rome, you do not listen." she shook her head and looked up at the ceiling. "Avery, I have not done what you wanted for our son. I will make it right. I promise."


  "I see your awake." Natalie brushed the gray hairs out of her grandmother's eyes, a smile on her face at seeing the eyes that twinkled even without their normal brightness. Her grandmother took the mask off of her nose and gave her granddaughter her own smile.

  "Baby...How long have you been here?" she breathed and reached for her hand. Natalie took it quickly and held it tight.

  "Not long. Dr. Grayden was just in to let me know how you were doing."

  "Mmmhmm. He's a very nice man." she nodded. "Nat Baby, I want you to do something for me, honey." she began.

  "Anything, Grandma." she said quietly. Lyn could see the worry in her granddaughters eyes and wished she had more time to see her baby girl have her own family.

  "I want you to go home and tend to your business, then come back here. Bring your dinner, so we can eat and talk." she said. Natalie was surprised by the request and felt a sigh of relief come over her.

  "You want me to bring you something?"

  "No, I'm sure they'll be inspecting it to make sure it's bland like the rest of this food." they both laughed as Natalie made her replace the mask back on. "I love you, baby." she whispered. "Don't ever forget that, you hear me."

  "I won't, Grandma...I won't." she kissed her cheek and stood to do as she was told.

  Natalie closed her Grandmother's door behind her and wiped the tears that began to run rampant down her face. She sniffled and leaned against the wall. Her head down and wishing that she was anyplace but here at the moment. Natalie stood there for a long moment unaware of a pair of dark eyes unsure if they should console her or not. He decided he should.

  "Are you alright?" Natalie jumped at the sound of his voice and looked into the same dark eyes as earlier that morning. She nodded quickly and wiped her face more. "Here, no need to mess up your sweater." he offered her a handkerchief and she began laughing as she wiped her eyes and nose. "What? Does it have buggers on it or something?" he grinned at her.

  " have a handkerchief. What guy carries a handkerchief around anymore these days? You are not what I expected." she looked up at him. "Thank you. I'm sorry, I'm sure you are busy."

  "No, are you okay?" Natalie nodded. "Are you sure?"

  "I will have to be. It's just hard when the only person in your life is laying there and you're helpless to do anything." she said through another fit of tears. "Oh, god! I have to leave. Um...thank you again." she started to hand him the fabric, but seemed to rethink it and left Romero standing looking after her.

  Romero's first instinct was to go make sure she was alright to drive, but he was sure she needed time alone. Instead he looked at the room she'd just left and slowly opened the door. The elderly African-American woman lay staring up at the ceiling, her hands lay folded over her abdomen and Romero could see the glistening of water in her eyes. For some reason he felt the pull far greater than he'd ever imagined, maybe it was curiosity of the young woman that he'd managed to run into for a second time, but Romero walked in the room and sat down in the chair that was still warm from Natalie. He could smell the light scent of spring mixed with vanilla. A subtle scent that made the sterility of the hospital less nauseating.

  "Who are you?"

  "Just a friend of your grand daughters?" he lied.

  "Oh, she's never told me she had any men friends." Lyn looked at the good looking man suspiciously, yet his smile didn't falter, nor his eyes waver from hers. Confidence and charm ebbed off of him. She eyed the expensive suit, well maintained grooming and bare fingers. A smile spread on her lips and Romero chuckled lightly.

  "We only just met." he started, knowing that he didn't even know the woman's name, let alone if this was where she'd come out of. He was making a risky assumption and knew that the older woman could call his bluff at any moment.

  "Nat baby is a good girl, don't hurt her." she warned. Romero felt the heaviness in his stomach at the turn of the conversation.

  "I don't think you have to worry about that. She left upset though, so I wanted to see why." he said quickly, wanting the conversation to be more of information on his end.

  "She's just scared." Lyn looked out toward the open window, they both stayed quiet before Lyn continued. "Did my Nat tell you about how she came to me?" she asked, although Romero knew it wasn't a question that she wanted an answer to. Taking a deep breath, Lyn pulled the mask off of her face. "Her mama was such a beautiful child. You would have never thought years later this would be where we all were. Paula was everything her Daddy and I could have wanted when she was born. Beautiful eyes, pretty lips, and fat cheeks." she giggled at the memory before replacing the mask on for a moment. "I named her Pauletta after her Daddy. Paul was a big man, but such a teddy bear. And Paula. Mmmm. That was his baby girl. But everything changed somewhere down the line. Somewhere we did something wrong or was so blind we refused to see what was in front of us. Natalie was my chance to try again. I did a beautiful job, but I think I forgot one thing, Mr..." she looked at Romero. "What's your name again?"